Report Filter      Back to Previous


When running a report, you must define the report filter conditions that are applied to the source data to determine what records are eligible to be included in the output dataset. This type of filter is applied when the report is executed and cannot be changed once the report output has been generated. Compare this to a view filter, which is applied to the output dataset after the report output is generated.

The Report Filter panel is presented when you are creating a new report or customizing an existing report in design mode. This panel allows you to specify the conditions used to build the output dataset. The order of application is determined by the joining operator and the indentation of conditions. Conditions indented at the same level create a "compound condition" that links the multiple conditions into one  evaluation.

Note:    Once a report has been run, the report filter can only be viewed but not modified. If you wish to modify the report filter conditions, you must access the design mode. Once modified, you must run the report in order to obtain an output dataset that uses the new conditions.

In the following example of the report filter in Design mode, the report filter includes conditions for CBSA, Year and Tier. The last condition uses a predefined filter object that is named <= Most Recent Data Period which will filter the data to limit the data period to the most recent data period or less and works with the Year to determine which data periods are to be included.
