Menus and Toolbar Options to work with Output      Back to Previous


When working with output, TrueStandings HomeEquity provides a series of menu tabs that provide access to the features and options in that category. These menu options are as follows:

Note:  Based on the application you are working in, some options may not be enabled.

·        Home

·        Tools

·        Data

·        Grid

·        Graph

·        Format

Opening Toolbar Ribbons and Drop Down Menus      Back to Previous

These tabbed menu options enable/disable the toolbar ribbons and also provide a drop down menu with options found on the toolbars. The toolbar ribbons display an icon button for the options available from a menu selection. The drop down menu provides access to all options associated with a menu selection. The menubar processes as follows to display the toolbar ribbons and drop down menus:


Ribbon/menu selector tabs

When you click the menu name (e.g., Home), the toolbar ribbon is updated to reflect the options available from that menu. There is a series of five menus (Grid menu toggles to Graph when displaying the output in either grid or graph view).


Toolbar ribbon

This ribbon will display the toolbar icon buttons for the options available from the selected menu.


Drop down menu

When you click the down arrow DownArrow.png next to a menu name, the drop down menu is presented as shown below.


Ribbon toolbar opened for the Home menu:


Drop down menu opened for the Home menu:


Home Menu      Back to Previous

Drop Down Menu

Ribbon Icon





Save As...

Presents the Save dialog



Undoes the last action



Redoes the last undone action



Switches your view to Design Mode



Switches the data display to Grid view



Switches the data display to Graph view


Grid and Graph

Switches the data display to Grid and Graph view


Add to History List

Adds the current report to your History List


Send Now...

Presents the Send Now dialog to email data


Subscribe to

Provides access to add a subscription

Icon_Home_Export.png   Icon_Home_PDF.png


Provides access to export the data to a formatted file or to PDF



Opens the Print dialog to specify print options


Full Screen Mode

Updates view to full screen (ESC key exists full screen mode)


Tools Menu      Back to Previous

Note:    The Tools icon ribbon bar includes the Home options for Save, Undo, Redo, Design Mode, Grid View, Graph View, and the Grid and Graph View in addition to the options specific to the Tools menu.

Drop Down Menu

Ribbon Icon






Opens the Create Report page to create a new report


Convert to Document

Converts the current report to a document


Report Objects

Opens the Report Editor panel with Report Objects tab displayed


All Objects

Opens the Report Editor panel with All Objects tab displayed



Opens the Report Editor panel with Notes tab displayed


Related Reports

Opens the Report Editor panel with the Related Reports tab displayed


Page-by Axis

Opens the Page By panel


View Filter

Opens the View Filter panel


Report Details

Opens the Report Details panel


Prompt Details

Opens the Prompt Details panel


Pivot Buttons

Toggles the display of the Pivot Buttons on the grid


Sort Buttons

Toggles the display of the Sort Buttons on the grid

(No Icon)

Report Bar

Toggles the display of the Report Bar on the grid


Report Options

Opens the Report Options dialog to work with the setup for grid

(No Icon)

Report Details Page

Opens the Report Details page


Data Menu      Back to Previous

Note:    The Data icon ribbon bar includes the Home options for Save, Undo, Redo, Design Mode, Grid View, Graph View, and the Grid and Graph View in addition to the options specific to the Data menu.

Drop Down Menu

Ribbon Icon





Add View Filter

Opens the View Filter panel to define a new view filter condition



Opens the Advanced Sort dialog



Opens the Advanced Drill dialog


Filter on Selections...

Reruns the current report with the current selections added as report filter conditions

(No Icon)

Reset Data

Resets the current output dataset


Re-run Report

Re-runs the report and creates a new entry in your History List

(No Icon)


Refreshes the data for the current report



If report is prompted, redisplays the prompt page to modify the report request


Swap Rows and Columns

Switches the current template setup for rows and columns


Insert New Metric...

Opens the Insert New Metric dialog to define a new metric for the report


Rename/Edit Objects

Opens the Rename/Edit Objects dialog to rename any of the data elements on the report

Icon_Data_EditAttForms.png   Icon_Data_ToggleAttForms.png

Edit Attribute Forms...

Opens the Attribute Forms dialog to modify the forms used on the report and allows you to toggle the forms you have selected (toggle option is not on menu)


Show Totals

Toggles the report to display and hide totals


Edit Totals

Opens the Edit Totals dialog to allow you to specify the totals to be included on the report


Toggle Thresholds

When thresholds are defined, will toggle the view to show/hide thresholds


Visual Threshold Editor

Opens the Thresholds Editor panel to define or edit a threshold


Advanced Thresholds Editor

Opens the Advanced Thresholds Editor dialog to define or edit  a threshold


Grid Menu      Back to Previous

Note:    The Grid icon ribbon bar includes the Home options for Save, Undo, Design Mode, Redo, Grid View, Graph View, and the Grid and Graph View in addition to the options specific to the Grid menu.

Drop Down Menu

Ribbon Icon



The Grid option does not include
a drop down menu, it only provides
 a toolbar ribbon with icons



Defines the formatting template for the grid - this provides a drop down list of predefined grid layout templates that automatically format elements of the grid



Enables/disables banding for the grid




Enables/disables outlining of data for the grid



Merge Column Headers

Enables/disables merging column values into one cell on the grid (e.g., combines duplicated values in consecutive header cells into one cell)



Merge Row Headers

Enables/disables merging row values into one cell on the grid (e.g., combines duplicated values in consecutive row cells into one cell)



Lock Row Headers

Locks the row headers on the grid as you scroll from left to right



Lock Column Headers

Locks the column headers on the grid as you scroll from top to bottom



Auto Fit to Contents

Automatically size the column width on the grid to fit the contents of each column



Auto Fit to Window

Automatically size the column width on the grid to fit the window area


Graph Menu      Back to Previous

Note:    The Graph icon ribbon bar includes the Home options for Save, Undo, Design Mode, Redo, Grid View, Graph View, and the Grid and Graph View in addition to the options specific to the Graph menu.

Drop Down Menu

Ribbon Icon



The Graph option does not include
a drop down menu, it only provides
 a toolbar ribbon with icons


Graph Type

Drop down list of the graph types available for selection


Graph Subtype

Drop down list of graph subtypes available based on the selected Type




Enables/disables the legend from display on the grid




Enables/disables the display of values on the graph bars/plot lines



Series by Row

Defines the graphed series based on the rows in the grid (columns are then used for the categories)



Series by Column

Defines the graphed series based on the columns in the grid (rows are then used for the categories)



Auto Arrange

This option will auto arrange the layout of the graph. This option is to be used when the contents in the graph overlap. This corrects the overlapping.

Note:  The Auto Arrange icon is not enabled if your graph was saved with Automatic graph layout enabled. If your graph report was saved with Automatic layout enabled, you do not need to automatically reposition the contents of your graph in Web.



Categories (Count)

Count of categories displayed on the view graph at one time (this creates a scrolling set of views for the plotted data)

Note: Once this or the Series value is changed, you must click the Apply button to update your view of the graph



Series (Count)

Count of series displayed on the view of the graph at one time (this creates a scrolling set of views for the plotted data)

Note: Once this or the Series value is changed, you must click the Apply button to update your view of the graph




Updates the view of the graph once you modify the count of categories or series to display on the view of the graph


Format Menu      Back to Previous

Note:    The Format icon ribbon bar includes the Home options for Save, Undo, Design Mode, Redo, Grid View, Graph View, and the Grid and Graph View in addition to the options specific to the Format menu.







Grid/Graph Element

This drop down list allows you to select the grid/graph element being formatted.

When viewing a grid, the drop down list includes options for All Cells, Row Axis, Column Axis, All Metrics and as well as each attribute and metric included on the grid.

When viewing a graph, the drop down list includes options for Format (graphed elements), Titles, Axes, Series Colors.

You select the grid/graph element to be formatted and this then controls the options on the Grid Element Characteristics drop down.



Grid/Graph Element Characteristic

Once you have selected the grid/graph element to be formatted, you must specify the characteristic of the element.

When viewing a grid, this drop down list allows you to select either All, Values or Header. When All is selected, the cell values AND the row or column header is reformatted.

When viewing a graph, this drop down list varies dependent on the selected Graph Element.



Font Setting

The font settings allow you to specify the font to use and the size of the font.



Font Formats

The font format settings allow you to specify if the font is presented as bold, italic and/or underlined. These settings are independent of one another and each are applied to the specified grid/graph element and characteristic being formatted.



Text Alignment

This formatting option is only applied to elements on a grid and are not enabled for any graph elements.

The alignment settings allow you to specify left, centered or right justification of the text within the cell. This is a format setting group and only one option is applied to the selected grid element and characteristic.



Numeric Formats

This formatting option is only applied to elements on a grid and are not enabled for any graph elements.

The numeric format settings allow you to specify the type of number being presented. The numeric values may be defined as either currency or percentage. This is a format group and only one option is applied to the selected grid element and characteristic. When selecting the currency format option, the format assumes two decimal places while the percent format option assumes no decimals. The selected grid element and characteristic must be a numeric value to apply this formatting.



Numeric Comma Separator

This formatting option is only applied to elements on a grid and are not enabled for any graph elements.

The comma separator is applied to numeric values and adds a comma every third place from right to left after the decimal (if a decimal is present in the formatting). The selected grid element and characteristic must be a numeric value to apply this formatting.



Decimal Precision

This formatting option is only applied to elements on a grid and are not enabled for any graph elements.

The decimal precision options allow you to increase or decrease the number of decimal precision displayed. There are two options for this, one to increase and one to decrease. These will not move the decimal but add decimal precision places to the display (e.g., if a value calculates as 59.145 and only one decimal place is displayed, the value is presented as 59.1; the precision options will expand and contract what is presented in the cell by one decimal place at a time).

The selected grid element and characteristic must be a numeric value to apply this formatting.



Background Color

The background color option allows you to define the fill color for the selected grid/graph element and characteristic. The drop down list provides a predefined palate of colors with access to an advanced dialog to define a custom color. You may also enable two colors and a style for gradient color formatting.



Line Color

The line color option allows you to define the color of the border for the selected grid element and characteristic or the line associated with the background of a graph element. The drop down list provides a predefined palate of colors with access to an advanced dialog to define a custom color.



Text Color

The text color option allows you to define the color of the text for the selected grid/graph element and characteristic. The drop down list provides a predefined palate of colors with access to an advanced dialog to define a custom color.



Cell Border

This formatting option is only applied to elements on a grid and are not enabled for any graph elements.

The cell border option allows you to specify if the cell for the selected grid element and characteristic includes a border and which sides of the cell have the border. The drop down list provides selections for All, None, Top, Bottom, Left and  Right.



Cell Border Type

This formatting option is only applied to elements on a grid and are not enabled for any graph elements.

The cell border type option allows you to specify the type of border line is applied to the selected grid element and characteristic. The drop down list provides options for None, Dashed, Dotted, Thin, Thick or Double.



Advanced Grid Formatting

The advanced grid formatting option allows you to open the Advanced Formatting dialog which provides additional control over the formatting of the selected grid element and characteristic. This option is only enabled when viewing the output in a grid.

Refer to the Advanced Formatting Dialog section for more information on the tabs and options you can define.



Advanced Graph Formatting

The advanced formatting option allows you to open the Advanced Formatting dialog which provides additional control over the formatting of the selected graph element and characteristic. This option is only enabled when viewing the output in a graph.

Refer to the Advanced Formatting Dialog section for more information on the tabs and options you can define.